Selasa, 18 November 2014

cerpen berbahasa inggris judul holiday in surabaya

Last Saturday, i travelled by train to surabaya. I sat in a seat beside the aisle and began to read my newspaper. After an hour, i tgot up from my seat, weared down the aisle and went to the toilet. Minutes later, i tried to unclock the door. It wouldn’t unlocked. At first i was amazed. And then i was anoyed how was i going to get out og the toilet ?
I tried pushing the lock. I tried puling it. I hot i with my shoe. Nothing i did succed in opening the door. The door remained locked finaly i started to shout for help, help i’m locked in the toilet, please get me out. In the begining nobody answered aftyer fiveteen minutes. Somebopdy said, hello, who are you. Fifteen minutes leter, qan official arrived. There were large crowds of people outside the toilet. I come has the official telling them to stand back.
Hello, i am a PJKA official. Have you got a train ticket?
Yes i have...

Let me see the ticket please, push it unther the door, i pushed the ticket under the door.
Your ticket is okay, what are you doing in the toilet?
Nothing, i am doing nothing.
Whay dont you come out?
I can’t open the door.
What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you open the door?
There is nothing wrong with me, there is sometnging wrong with the lock of the door.
You oo have to wall there until we get to surabaya. I want to break the door.
Are you mad? Iam an official. I can’t break down the door.

He went away he look my eturn ticket with him. I had to in the toilet until the train arrived in surabaya.; the train was in surabaya. I wash feeling very hungry. I wanted to go home. I pulled at the lock and the door sudenly opened. I was free. I run down the aisle to my seet my luggage was gone. Somebody has stolen my bag.

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